Our thirty-first award! |
"Sites are judged based upon overall appearance, speed, navigation, use of technology and quality of content. We also take into consideration the amount of time and effort that goes into developing a web site and like to award your efforts.
"We found your site to offer our Internet community a great service.
"Again, Congratulations."
Warmest Regards,
Midwest Gems Corporation Review Team [8Apr02] |
Our thirtieth award! |
"Congratulations! Howell Research Room has been reviewed and chosen to bear the 2002-2003 Golden Web Award.
"As a recipient of the prestigious Golden Web Award, we invite you to ...[become] a professional member of the International Association of WebMasters & Designers.
"You and your staff at Howell Research Room have obviously worked very hard. Proudly display your award." [7Apr02] |
Our twenty-ninth award! |
"Congratulations! I enjoyed surfing your site; your work is very good.
"It is with great pleasure that I give you the "Bronze Award 2002". You can insert the "Bronze Award 2002" in your site as a symbol of beautiful graphics and contents. ...I wish you continued success into the future!" C.N.V. [23Mar02] |
Our twenty-eighth award! |
"I very much enjoyed your Web site! Keep up the great job of advancing genealogical research on the Internet!" Mark Ellsworth Hickman [15Mar02] |
Our twenty-seventh award! |
"Your site has been chosen as a winner of The Seasons Of Change Silver Award for March 2002.
"This award is not automatic. All sites are viewed. I enjoyed my visit to your site. Thanks for making the web a better place. It is evident that you have put a lot of hard work into your web space." Jon [11Mar02] |
Our twenty-sixth award! |
"Your site, has been chosen as one of The Merit winners of The Lynx Award for March 2002. I enjoyed visiting your site and found it worthy of The Lynx Award. It is evident that you have put a lot of hard work in building your site." D.J. Rainman [07Mar02] |
Our twenty-fifth award! |
"I am pleased to present you with the Ancestry Connections Award, for your contributions to genealogy." DeWannna [18Feb02] |
Our twenty-fourth award! |
"Your site... has been chosen as a winner of the SOUTHERN NYTES AWARD OF ELEGANCE for February 2002.
"This award is not automatic. All pages that receive this award are viewed.
"I was impressed by your Web page and the hard work you put into your site." John [13Feb02] |
Our twenty-second and twenty-third awards! |
"I would like to extend my congratulations on producing a very impressive, resourceful and beautifully designed site. [This is] what the web is truly about. You should be very proud." Lou Hogan [11Feb02] |
Our twenty-first award! |
"You have a wonderful site - it is displayed so beautifully and has so much to offer researchers, please accept our award." Richard Dennis Souther [10Feb02] |
Presented to
Howell Research Center
10 February 2002
Our twentieth award! |
"Your site... has been chosen as a winner of the Storm Keeper Award for February 2002.
"This award is not automatic. All pages that receive this award are viewed. I was impressed by your Web page and the hard work you put into your site.
"Your site will be listed in the winners section for this month." D. John Wilkins [7Feb02] |