Jacob WEEMS -- to -- Adam WEIDMAN
Adam (2) WEIDMAN -- to -- Jennie W WEIR
John WEIR -- to -- Matthias WEITKNECHT
Matthias WEITKNECHT -- to -- Thomas WELCH
Unknown WELCH -- to -- Robert (Welles) WELLE
William WELLEN -- to -- Joseph WELLING
Ruhamah WELLINGTON -- to -- Elizabeth WELLS
Elizabeth WELLS -- to -- Leroy WELLS
Louisa WELLS -- to -- Thomas WELLS
Thomas "The Glover" WELLS -- to -- Abraham (3) WENDEL
Abraham (4) WENDEL -- to -- Ephraim W. WENDEL
Evert (2) WENDEL -- to -- Johannes (5) WENDEL
Johannes (6) WENDEL -- to -- David WENTWORTH
Elizabeth WENTWORTH -- to -- Anna WERREN
Anthon WERREN -- to -- Bridget (Beatrix) WESSE
Bridget Beatrix WESSE -- to -- Margaret "the Exile" WESSEX (Saint)
Robert WESSEX -- to -- Francis WEST
Francis II WEST -- to -- Margaret WEST
Martha WEST -- to -- Russell O. WEST
Russell O. WEST -- to -- William WEST
Wynelle WEST -- to -- Abram WESTON
Asa WESTON -- to -- Rebecca WESTON
Rebecca WESTON -- to -- Mary WETHERELL
UP (Teunis SWART - Alvin Edgar ZUVER )
BACK (Anthony WATERMAN - George WEEMS )