William Dodge COOKE -- to -- Solomon COOMBS
Elizabeth COOMER -- to -- Annatje COOPER
Anne COOPER -- to -- Clayton COOPER
Clayton COOPER -- to -- Frederick Stevens COOPER
Frederick Stevens COOPER -- to -- Homer Eugene COOPER
Howard COOPER -- to -- Joseph COOPER
Josephine COOPER -- to -- Mary Ellen COOPER
Mary Louise COOPER -- to -- Richard COOPER
Richard COOPER -- to -- Thomas COOPER
Wendell Berry COOPER -- to -- Allen Edward COPE
Allen Edward COPE -- to -- Elma Elizabeth COPE
Elnora COPE -- to -- Katherine Blanche "Katie" COPE
Keto Viola COPE -- to -- Sarah COPE
Sarah COPE -- to -- Mary Evaline COPELAND
Rebecca COPELAND -- to -- William COPLEDIKE
William COPLEDIKE -- to -- Elizabeth CORBETT
Jack CORBETT -- to -- Al COREY
Benjamin COREY -- to -- A. K. CORLEW
Alice CORLEW -- to -- David CORLEW
Delaney CORLEW -- to -- Jane CORLEW
John CORLEW -- to -- Mary Jane CORLEW
Mary Melissa CORLEW -- to -- Silas CORLEW
Susan CORLEW -- to -- Lillian CORNELISSEN
UP (Frances BURROUGHS - Rufus FINNEY )
BACK (Joan COLESON - William COOKE )