The Family of
Willis Casey Howell
Back row, left to right:
Cora L. Howell born July 1874, married C.E. Jerman on June 2,1914.
Oscar Erwin Howell, born February 1873, married Hettie May Young on March 20, 1904.
Mattie "Ethna" Howel), born September 1877, married Ira Griffin on December 30, 1903.
William B.H. "Ben" Howel, born January 1880, married Effie O'Neil.
Front row, left to right :
Willis Casey Howell, born June 7, 1844, married Rebecca Tennie Craig on October 2, 1867,
died September 19, 1912.
Rebecca Tennie Craig, born March 17, 1849, died February 24, 1905.
Willis Clem Howell, Jr., born January 1884, married Brooksey Ora Kelley on Dec. 22, 1915.
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